My Work End Happened When Email Stopped
I had my farewell with colleagues in April 2019. I completed a transition period through until July 31. My work email account was shutdown on August 1st, 2019. For the first time since May 2001 I do not have a work email account and my new job (traveling with my family) does not need a work email!
I now realize the end of my (current) work can really only be measured on the day my email account was shutoff - Thursday, August 1, 2019. The other dates and transitions were steps to the professional, respectful and collegial exit. But the psychological ending was yesterday. Even though I was no longer in a leadership position, present for meetings or even in the office, the emails fueled a constant mental engagement that was impossible to disengage from. Until yesterday.
I certainly miss parts of the business leadership world. Working with a lot of great people to improve something, serve clients better, learn and grow as a person is awesome and I am curious how these areas develop (renew?) from this global experience.
For now I am in Atlanta enjoying family time, catching up with friends, and working to wrap up errands before we fly to Costa Rica on Monday.
Below is some work email account stats from three months (~90 days) in 2018.