My Why (Michael)
Our family, May 2019. Whitney and me with Scarlett (6yo), Nora (3yo), and Hazel (4 mths old)
Whitney and I are often asked why we are doing this global experience. These asks come from many perspectives, including supportive, encouraging, curious, awe, confusion, to you are crazy, irresponsible, or both!
This is where my evolving reflections on MY WHY for this global experience is at today – a week before we drive out of Seattle – MY WHY is to:
1. Massively invest in my relationships with Whitney, each of our children, and our family
2. Learn
3. Reflect
4. (Eventually) select the next path(s)
I will unpack these areas at different times and in different ways throughout this journey. And perhaps I will change, re-prioritize or feel differently about MY WHY. I am excited to explore, invest, learn and reflect.