Americans Down Under!

We have all of Whitney’s family with us – her Mum (aka Mom, aka Iowa Grandma), Dad (aka Iowa Grandpa), Brother (Uncle Marc) & his fiancé (Aunt Nikki) – so we are doing a fun assortment of Aussie experiences. The past ten days have included:

  • Urimbirra Wildlife Park (again & again!)

  • Santa’s Wonderland

  • Swimming Lessons (again & again!)

  • Scarlett finished the school year in Yankalilla

  • Sunsets, walks on the beach, and playground hangouts

  • Ocean swims and playing on the beach

  • Pub meals & Bakery visits

  • Christmas shopping (& associated meltdowns)

  • Moving houses (again!)

  • A day at the President’s Cup Golf

  • A historic heat wave

My side of the family arrives in waves in the coming days which will add to the fun and the circus!

Lots of errands and appointments are the usual each day and keep it all real in the positive and frustrating sense. Apparently bureaucracies are universal and Australia knows how to build them as well as anyone… 😊 🤦‍♂️!!!

Michael Waite