Surf Lesson @ Playa Guiones, Nosara, Costa Rica

For me to stand up on a surf board 🏄 it takes the perfect combination of a friendly surf, beach, tide, awesome instructor and a very big surf board. Thankfully Playa Guiones, Nosara, Costa Rica and the team at Surf Nosara provided such an environment. I surfed today and it was fantastic.

But this was about doing a new activity with Scarlett (& Nora if she wanted) to try something we were all beginners at, learn together, fall off together and so on. Mission accomplished.

Scarlett and I did a 90 minute lesson together. About 15 minutes on the beach and the rest surfing (with varying degrees of success), it was awesome.

A memory forever will be when we caught the same wave (aka a “party wave”) and for about 7-10 seconds we were both surfing side-by-side. It was a magic moment we shared. It happened a couple more times too where I caught a wave further offshore and Scarlett picked up the same one. It was brilliant and each time it happened everything seemed to stand still for that moment. What an experience!

Scarlett loved it. So much so she wanted a follow up lesson so we scheduled one for tomorrow too. The confidence she gained with the instruction, and the achievement of standing up and catching longer more powerful waves as the time progressed was awesome. Similar to the many times we went to the Seattle Bouldering Project (rock climbing) in Seattle. Awesome personal challenge, mistakes made and trying again and again. Love it!

Whitney hung out on the beach with Hazel, who confirmed Playa Guiones passes the taste test by eating a material amount of sand. Nora did the on beach surf lesson and the entry to the ocean but didn’t want to go further today. We will see what happens tomorrow. What an experience with Scarlett. Happy day!

Michael Waite