Hanging out in San Jose for 3 days

A bunch of memories and experiences were had in San Jose as we made the most of our unplanned time here for a round of vaccinations.

We arrived late afternoon on Monday August 19, 2019 and if we are on schedule will leave mid morning on Friday August 23, 2019.

Places we visited in San Jose include:

Day 1:

  • Costa Rica National Art Museum (located on edge of La Sabana Park)

  • La Sabana Park

  • Jump Center (trampoline jumping center) The girls love a good trampoline park…

Day 2:

  • Picked up Whitney and Hazel from the airport

  • Spirogyra Butterfly 🦋 Garden

  • Museo de los Ninos (Childrens Museum)

  • Wal-Mart (as in the store!), got a few items like nappies/diapers and all 3 children had simultaneous in-store meltdowns which was uplifting. Magnificent store though…

Day 3:

  • La Paz Waterfall Gardens (+ it is a zoo refuge!) - this was so awesome I have done a separate post on this. A really magnificent experience, we spent 3 hours there (which is near a record for our team!). The 70 minute drive there was beautiful, and the 60 minute drive back (along a completely different path courtesy of Waze) was just as spectacular through the mountains overlooking San Jose.

  • Lunch at one of the beautiful little restaurants overlooking a valley

  • Afternoon at the hotel pool

Hotel: Adventure Inn for these 3 nights. Found it on Booking.com. Family owned and run and have found it to have a fantastic staff, pool and restaurant.

Tomorrow (Friday, August 23, 2019) we head back to our “jungle house” near San Juanillo (north of Nosara). This has been a very special, and totally unexpected fantastic few days in San Jose.

For the first time in ages we have had the time flexibility (and the mindset flexibility) to adjust to the change of plans and absorb the experience. It has been awesome.

Michael Waite